Cualquiera que esté buscando algo especial, extraordinario y convincente encontrará justamente lo que busca entre los relojes de lujo de FELDO luxury. Los relojes con sus detalles perfectamente coordinados y un rasgo muy personal se presentan para formar una pequeña sinfonía. Cada reloj de FELDO Luxury, tiene su propio toque especial y su espíritu impresionante. Mientras los relojes de diseño ofrecen unas características ópticas especiales, también se inspiran con su gran tecnología. Además de un diseño inusual que se ha convertido en una marca para los relojes de lujo de mujeres y hombres de la misma forma, todos estos relojes ofrecen gran precisión. La firma individual de la filosofía especial de FELDO Luxury. Ninguna de las características más tradicionales y comunes han sido introducidas en el reloj de lujo de FELDO Luxury. Cualquier modelo, sin importar si es un reloj de lujo para mujer o para hombre, tiene sus propias características y aparecen como una pieza de arte en su conjunto. Así, cada reloj de lujo de FELDO Luxury posee su propio ritmo y espíritu distintivo. Incluso si los relojes de diseño no son del gusto de todo el mundo, estos diseños sin embargo los emocionarán. Aquellos que estén buscando un reloj de caballero extraordinario de lujo sin duda encontrará en FELDO Luxury, el reloj que está buscando. Un diseño moderno y un uso de materiales apropiados han servido para desarrollar los relojes de diseño con su propia identidad.Los relojes de lujo de hombre y mujer parecen ser mucho más antiguos de lo que se esperaría a primera vista. Los modelos modernos pueden mirar atrás hacia una historia impresionante. El carisma especial de los relojes de lujo de FELDO Luxury está disponible tanto para hombres como para mujeres tras realizar desarrollos y un acercamiento a un diseño especial. Mientras que los relojes de lujo para mujer ofrecen un carisma femenino, los relojes de lujo de hombre se fijan en su origen. Esta es una serie valiosa e inequívoca que se ofrece tanto a los relojes de diseño de lujo de hombres y mujeres.
Naturally, everyone wants to have something special, something precious. This desire is what FELDO Luxury S.L. addresses with excellent luxury accessories. FELDO Luxury S.L. cuff links and rings are like a symphony for all senses, leaving a deep impression on the very first sight. The many details of luxury jewelry, as well as its quality, have become their unmistakable characteristics. Also, the FELDO Luxury S.L. designer jewelry has earned the right to bear the “Made in Germany” label, which has become a distinctive badge of high quality. Luxury jewelry offers its very own design. Each model has a different style, unmistakable charisma and of course also its very own looks. A perfectly aligned luxury accessories mechanism completes a convincing overall image and makes for a permanent impression.FELDO is launching an collection of first grade luxury Rings later this year. This picture is a scatch from the FELDO Luxury Designers. Like all FELDO products these rings are produced in highest quality and accurary, an exclusive technical touch, and timeless design. If you got interests in any of the FELDO products don't hesitate to contact us. 
Today is a very special day for FELDO luxury because of the presentation a new web design. We think this newly design will help our customers to find easily and directly all the information they need without going through tedious presentations. Besides, it is possible to choose your own language in the top menú, so it can be used worldwide.
This new design includes a top menu where among others funcitons you can view all our exclusive products, our dealers as well as you will be able to contact with our customer care service. You can now enjoy this new design in: From FELDO luxury, we hope you enjoy it.
In Spanish:
Hoy para FELDO luxury es un día especial, ya que es el día en el que presentan el nuevo diseño web. Este novedoso diseño creemos que beneficiara totalmente a sus clientes, ya que encontraran todo tipo de información de una manera cómoda y directa, sin necesidad de pasar por fastidiosas presentaciones. Además usted puede elegir su idioma de una manera cómoda y sencilla en el menú superior, por lo que se adapta prácticamente a todo el mundo.
Este nuevo diseño incluye un menú superior, en el que podrá observar los productos exclusivos, ver nuestros distribuidores, contactar con el departamento de atención al cliente, entre otras funciones. Sin más podéis disfrutar del nuevo diseño en Desde FELDO luxury esperamos que os guste.
The term "Luxury Goods" covers a range of luxury product fields: Art, fashion, food, property, yachting ... FELDO focuses on luxury goods as real-estate and fashion. In our real estate portfolio you will find attractive villas with a view to the sea situated on the best spots. Watches and flats with very attractive prices and penthouses on the best European costal areas. FELDO just offers a small amount of selected housing per country mainly located around the Mediterranean Sea (Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Mallorca, Algarve, Alanya and Antalya). We grant to our customer’s guidance and the best counselling trough our reliable advisors. The main part of FELDO`s luxury goods is the fashion and accessories. All products concerning to this sector are designed and manufactured by FELDO itself (Made in Germany). The first upcoming products are luxury watches. These watches are designed using good technical mechanisms, attention is centered unequivocally on a different technical presentation, as nowadays even luxury watches serve firstly to tell the time and secondly as a piece of jewellery. In each FELDO watch, you can always find, aside from its functionality, an original design or a special technical extra. These products are protected by a patent once a new design has been created. This right of protection is granted by a Swiss institution and it's governed according to a European or a worldwide model. This reiterates the uniqueness and particularity of the watch and certifies its title as being an exclusive piece. Only best materials are used for production: gold, ceramics, carbon, stainless steel, rubber, titanium, copper ... FELDO`s luxury goods always come in a huge, high quality box, with a velvet base, a compartment for the clock and a tray for documents (certificate of authenticity, guarantee and instructions of use). Each product is send out with a certificate of authenticity that confirms that it has been manufactured according to the quality standards indicated. FELDO offers products for high quality customers, individualists and freaks. The company headqurter is located in Tobarra, Spain. Design, development and production are done in Germany.
FELDO luxury goods will seduce you by their extraordinary design. Many watch-makers bring the watch mechanism to the front. Often, the most important characteristics are new complications or at least already known complications. FELDO luxury goods are designed using the best technical mechanisms. Our attention is on the different technical representation of the time so nowadays, luxury goods are used firstly to know the time and then to be a jewel.Thousand years ago a jewel was a very usual fashion accesory and today everybody wears at least one jewel. Within this definition of jewel we consider any more or less expensive decorative accesory. Nowadays a jewel is mostly used to be shown. Many centuries ago a jewel was considered to have both a material and a magic value.They were mostly heads of family who were constantly adorned with the most expensive jewels and were so inaccessible as powerful. Nowadays, jewels are still used to show our position in the society and ambition. For most people a jewel is one of the most beautiful accessories of the world.Let us go back to the impact of luxury goods along the history. Every night clothing becomes more important with the right watch. Luxury goods are always strange accesories. Fashion designers show a lot of strange shapes luxury goods. Diverse colours, shapes and measurements are created and combined together with different materials. In this way, it is possible to create the right designer watch for men for every custormer.
FELDO luxury news
Timepieces made by FELDO Luxury S.L. are always distinguished for being extra special. These timepieces incorporate an extraordinary design with high precision. This is the manufacturer’s philosopy and motto:
"Every product must have its own technical mark and it has to be easily recognised”.
Obviously this statement is also valid for timepieces. So, FELDO does not incorporate the usual complications in the different timepieces models, instead the complication is the product itself.
FELDO luxury © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness