Wednesday, February 3, 2010

FELDO: Accessories.

The brand FELDO not only manufactures timepieces but also it is engaged in the manufacturing of other jewels like its cufflinks for shirts. During the manufacturing of its cufflinksFELDO timepieces diamant, FELDO also uses the carbon as a key material. However, FELDO cufflinks have more things in common with timepieces than the use of the same materials so that the manufacturing process is the same in both cases, that is, there is not a series production but very few units are created which become almost exclusive products.

These accessories are like timepieces unique, that means that each piece has been made individually making it unique and exclusive. When purchasing any of FELDO products you can be sure that you do not find any other identical to yours.

The processes used to manufacture either timepieces or any other accessory are very exhaustive, also the manufacturing is carried out by watchmakers and engineers with extensive experience in the world of jewellery. The final product you acquire has previously gone through the best hands. In addition you can benefit at any time of the guarantee and security FELDO offers to the customers.

The guarantee is totally effective thanks to the confidence FELDO has in its watchmakers, so these timepieces will be always extremely accurate. All this has been ensured by the complex quality tests each FELDO product performs before appearing in the market.

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FELDO luxury news

Timepieces made by FELDO Luxury S.L. are always distinguished for being extra special. These timepieces incorporate an extraordinary design with high precision. This is the manufacturer’s philosopy and motto:

"Every product must have its own technical mark and it has to be easily recognised”.

Obviously this statement is also valid for timepieces. So, FELDO does not incorporate the usual complications in the different timepieces models, instead the complication is the product itself.


FELDO luxury © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness