Cufflinks are decorative elements which are not as popular as they used to, it can be said that they are in danger of extinction, however they are decorative accessories which can provide our clothing with a touch of elegance. Furthermore, these luxury accessories are essential if you want to wear double cuff (French cuff) shirts or a suit.
If you wish to wear cufflinks for shirt but more casual or informal, you can use trimmings cufflinks either knot or knot and bar. Cufflink designs vary widely: there are a wide variety of colours and however these cufflinks are not suitable to be used in formal events.
Knot cufflinks both in silver (affordable) and gold, or even with semi-precious stones such as jade, lapis-lazuli, onyx, coral or turquoises are the ideal clothing accessory for any occasion. There are also cufflinks with a wide range of shapes and possibilities as well as classical cufflinks with pearls and coins. ![](
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